Monthly Archives: July 2016

Eschatological Justice in Scéla laí brátha

‘Eschatological Justice in Scéla laí brátha‘, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (2010), 39-54 The Middle Irish homily ‘Scéla laí brátha’ explicates the ‘Eschatological Discourse’ of Matthew 25:34-45. This study argues that the homily’s understanding of the events of the eschaton is strongly influenced by Augustinian thought. The presentation of heaven as predominantly urban, with the elect portrayed […]

Neoplatonic Thought in Medieval Ireland: the Evidence of Scéla na esérgi

‘Neoplatonic Thought in Medieval Ireland: the Evidence of Scéla na esérgi’, Medium Ævum 78 (2009), 216-230. This study of the Middle Irish eschatological sermon ‘Scéla na esérgi’ argues that it uses Irish vocabulary, transposed or translated from Latin, to articulate a philosophy of the general resurrection of mankind which is derived from Christian Neoplatonism. This article won […]